How We Help

  • Animal assisted support
  • Safe haven for pets
  • Pets to vets
  • Animal-Assisted Literacy Program

Our Work

Animal Assisted Support

Having a dog assist with animal therapy can encourage interactive play, communication skills and showcase the appropriate behaviors when dealing with animals.

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Safe Haven For Pets

During life changing events, we are here to help.

Providing for loved ones, including pets can be overwhelming.  Grateful Rescue provides temporary care of pets for people facing a life-changing situation.

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Pets To Vets

Transitioning to civilian life can be extremely difficult for many service men and women who have returned with physical and/or emotional injuries.

“Pets to Vets” is a powerful approach to helping our service men and women.

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Animal Assisted Literacy

Reading with a dog has been shown to help improve a child’s confidence, self-esteem, focus and desire to read.

Our Wag the Dog Readers offer sessions last approximately 20 minutes. Each child is paired with a dog and its volunteer handler.

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Grateful TV

We bring animal experts and pet owners together to share heartwarming rescue stories and provide useful information about pet care.

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